Friday, May 9, 2008

For The Children of The Kolisko School

The Kolisko Foundation for Education or KoFE is a non-stock, non-profit organization created by a group of parents and friends who seek to HEAL OUR LAND through education, environment protection, and wellness. To serve as our vehicle to achieve our vision, we have opened The Kolisko School for Steiner Education (The Kolisko School) #10 Alabama St.Quezon City. Barangay Kristong Hari, E. Rodriguez, QC.

We seek to make middle and low income families have easier access to private education through socialized tuition fees. It is also our goal to make available full and partial scholarships to children of of low income professionals and staff in the field of Development who help marginalized groups in society. Examples of these staff are social workers, community outreach staff, personnel working in foundations, teachers of disabled children, orphans, etc; and even low income ofws who still remain in poverty sitution.

The fund created for this group is The Kolisko Educational Assistance Program or The KEAP project. The beneficiaries are The KEAPers, and those who help them are The KEAPers' Friends.

Many of us work as volunteers and we need help from organizations and philanthropic individuals to support us in our work. Thus, we would like to invite you to be our partner in building the scholarship fund of The Kolisko School. And there are many ways to do this:

  1. Let us all watch the movie block screening of “INDIANA JONES 4” on May 25, 2008(Sunday) 4:30pm at the Robison’s Galleria Cinema 1. Ticket cost is Php250. For every ticket sold Php100 goes to scholarship fund for socialized tuition fees and The KEAP Project. We hope to sell 480 tickets and earn Php48,000 from it. The rest of income goest to expenses since we do not have any big sponsors for the project.
  2. Help us find business establishments and companies willing to sponsor the event. We have sponsorship packages that may interest them. Please refer them to us.
  3. Be A Friend for a day by sharing a comfortable amount of Php300, Php500, Php1,000 or more to help The Kolisko School in the following areas:
    __The-KEAP-Project-Fund, __Provide for the Chairs/Tables/Classroom Materials Fund, and the ___ Classrooms for the Children Fund

  4. Support the projects above for a week, a month or a year. A continuous source of your support will go a long, a long way.
  5. Be a resource person. Donate your services, skills and talents, donate unused materials and equipments, donate anything that may find some use in The Kolisko School.
  6. Be an advocate. Help spread the good news. Find us a partner who may be looking for this kind of involvement.

Please contact the info above or any KoFE member who sent you this email for further details on how you can help.

You know that it takes a village to raise the child; and one child makes all the difference.

And you can make that happen, today.

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